Professional Assholes
Professional Assholes
Never buy an Apple product which is not in stock. I made this mistake and it took over a month to get this Macbook Air and its not even the greatest model in the world. This would have been fine had they told me it was going to take a month to get the laptop, but instead every 3-4 days they would se . . . Read more
Professional Assholes
There is an official page on about what an unidentified charge of $79.95 on your bank statement means. How many such websites have you seen in your life? Here is a website that deceptively charges you hoping that you’re stupid enough to not check your credit card statement. Apparent . . . Read more
Canadian Visa
Professional Assholes
EDIT: Heeding my (and undoubtedly) infinitely many other complaints, the Canadian embassy has changed their agency from CIC to VFS who are genuinely good at their job. No complaints anymore. Being an Indian means that I’ve to apply for a visa even for short visits when traveling internationall . . . Read more