Brain as a Neural Net
We’re still struggling to figure out exactly what Consciousness is. One theory that I kinda like (although I have no sense of how correct it is) is that consciousness is a way of approximating the base reality. There is too much data coming in through our senses, and it is impossible for every . . . Read more
Why I Meditate
“Do not try to use what you learn from Buddhism to be a Buddhist; use it to be a better whatever-you-already-are.” – Dalai Lama Mental Health This is the most obvious reason to meditate. If you think of your mind as another organ, then just as you need to keep your muscles healthy . . . Read more
My Issues With Meditation
I’m quite sold on Meditation and do it pretty regularly. In a separate post, I’ll write about what about Meditation interests me. Here, I want to collect all the things about the cult of Meditation that offend me in some way. I’m mostly doing this for my own clarification so that I . . . Read more
I encountered a radical idea in Robert Wrights’s Why Buddhism is True. Our last big phase of evolution happened during the hunter-gatherer phase and we haven’t yet evolved to adapt to the modern world (this is not the radical idea). I encountered this fact for the first time in Yuval Har . . . Read more